Basic Fire Awareness Training

Basic Fire Awareness Training

Duration 4 Hours *
Number of Participant Max 12 Participant
Type of Training Request In-House Training + Open Courses
Target Participant Designated teams as a part of disaster and emergency plans and workers employed in less dangerous, dangerous and highly dangerous occupations as a part of Occupational Health and Safety No. 6331, Regulation on Procedures and Principles of Employee Occupational Health and Safety Trainings.
Language of Training Turkish / English
Goals of Training As a basic training, we aim to ensure fire safety and risks awareness, and take precautions intended for minimizing the risks. Moreover, the training aims to increase the fire first response capacity of the participants with existing resources.
Instructor Qualifications Kaya Training Trainers
Content of Training As a basic training, we aim to ensure fire safety and risks awareness, and take precautions intended for minimizing the risks. Moreover, the training aims to increase the fire first response capacity of the participants with existing resources.
Method of Training Applied as presentation backed seminar lecture. Individual firefighting drills (using portable fire extinguishers) will be conducted in order to contribute to the matching the theoretical knowledge acquired in the trainings with practice.
Assessment Pre and post assessment exams

* Advanced level training programs may be created based on corporate needs.  


KAYIT Kesin Kayıt için ücretin kurs başlama tarihinden en az 2 hafta öncesinde yatırılması gereklidir. İşbu "KAYIT FORMU" ve kurs bedelinin tamamının her ikisi de elimize ulaştığında kesin kayıt yapılacaktır. ERTELEME Yeterli kayıt sağlanamadığı takdirde "KAYA TRAINING", eğitimi bir sonraki tarihe erteleme veya iptal etme hakkına sahiptir. Rezervasyon ve kayıt yaptıranlar bu formdaki şartları kabul etmiş sayılır.





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